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Gentle Readers . . . and Maxwell,

I remain in random acts of kindness mode for the blogfest, but I hope that when this week ends, that kindness and gratitude will remain a permanent part of my blog.

Today I want to tell you about random acts of kindness involving My Darling Hurricane.

When she was in high school, I started working at the nursing home. She had never spent any time around elderly people. I don't think she'd ever been inside a nursing home. She'd done volunteer work, but it was at an animal shelter and at her prep school.

However, when I asked her to volunteer at the nursing home by bringing in her dog for visits, she agreed immediately and enjoyed the response to Emma the Labradoodle tremendously.

But then I asked her to volunteer by actually assisting me. She couldn't perform patient care, but she could fetch supplies and clean up messes. Again, The Hurricane agreed and was of such service to me that I was able to provide better care to patients.

One evening she went to work with me, and Anne, who had dementia and cried a great deal, was in the hallway in her wheelchair. Anne was so miserable. I don't think she really knew where she was or how in the heck she had gotten there.

But when Anne spied The Hurricane, her face broke out in a smile. I remember you, Anne said. I had you in class.

Without missing a beat, The Hurricane smiled and replied, You were my favorite teacher.

Anne beamed. She was absolutely radiant.

I was never more proud of The Hurricane, who was then a mere Storm Cloud. God gave The Hurricane the gift of a quick response that would make Anne happy. So many kids would have mumbled and whispered to Mom, What's she talking about?

From then on, every time Anne saw The Hurricane, her tears ceased, and peace surrounded her. Anne never again mentioned being a teacher, but she knew The Hurricane carried kindness.

Infinities of love,

Janie Junebug

(Note: Anne was never a teacher. Perhaps she taught Sunday School at a church and remembered it on that one occasion.)

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